About Learning Liberty

Better Options, Better Lives

I started the Learning Liberty Podcast because I believe most people learn more, learn better, and learn more deeply in unconventional situations that break the government-school mold.

However, many of these situations and models are unknown to most parents and students or still carry a stigma because they are not the system with which most of us are familiar.

Thus, I hope this podcast can help to bridge this gap between those who yearn for better learning options and those who already use or work within them.

Through interviews and information, I hope to take you inside these educational options to hear from the parents, students, teachers, and others who know them best. In the end, our educational choices help to shape our lives, so it is my goal to introduce you to better options for better lives for us and our children.

Meet Your Host

Karl Streitel is a retired high-school teacher who now works as a freelance editor and writer (and, hopefully, podcaster).

He taught in government school for 19 years as an English and business teacher at all academic levels and across grades. He holds a bachelor’s degree in secondary education, English and communications, and a master’s degree in education with a specialty in literacy. He also publishes at Mentallab.substack.com.

Karl Streitel